The 2021 Jerry T. Johnson Undergraduate Leadership Conference was held virtually on February 27, 2021. Junior Province Vice Polemarch Jacob Rowe and the Southeastern Province Undergraduate Leadership Team were outstanding in working around the COVID-19 circumstances and putting together an informative virtual conference via Zoom. The conference consisted of a Risk Management session by Province Risk Management Chairman Michael Myers, followed by an “Exchequer 101” session by Province Keeper of Exchequer Corey Smith, then there was an Achievement Academy session that Brother Rowe spoke on, and finally Brother Sterling Watson closed out with a Mental Health session. Southeastern Province Advisors Chairman Bobby Arnold also spoke to the brothers and offered to assist chapters in any way he can.
In his closing remarks, Junior Province Vice Polemarch Rowe thanked everyone for attending as he looked forward to continuing to work with the undergraduate brothers in their pursuit of achievement.