On February 13, 2021, the Alpharetta Smyrna Alumni Chapter had 55 young men to attend this year’s virtual SEP Kappa League Conference. The sessions were filled with dynamic speakers covering some outstanding topics like criminal justice, financial literacy and mental health to name a few. The Alpharetta Smyrna Alumni Chapter even had a couple of dynamic speakers to present at the conference. Jackson Lattimore recited the Langston Hughes poem “I Too” for the open mic portion of the conference. He gave a fantastic interpretation of what that poem means to him and the impact it has on him during today’s climate.
Nine-year-old JKL Vice President Gavin Branch (Pictured) gave an awesome speech on the impact Kappa League has had on him. He expressed gratefulness to his peers for selecting him as their Vice President. He also talked about the things he has learned from the ASA mentors like leadership, financial literacy and the keys to staying safe during the pandemic. The Alpharetta Smyrna Alumni Chapter is truly proud them. The Guide Right Program is led by Committee Chairs Efrem Armstrong and Michael Layton.