On Sunday, August 8, 2021, the Southeastern Province Board of Directors confirmed the Province Polemarch’s recommendations to fill vacant Board of Directors Seats. Brother Brian C. Mock, Southeastern Province Polemarch, stated, “During this crucial time in the Southeastern Province and the Fraternity, I firmly believe that these brothers are well-equipped to provide excellent leadership to the 27th Administration of the Province. I look forward to seeing them work alongside the Board and other members of the Province as we embody the Grand Polemarch’s theme” Brother to Brother, Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges.”
Brother Michael Brown of Spartanburg, South Carolina was confirmed to fill the vacant Senior Province Vice Polemarch position. Brother Brown was initiated in Fall 1995 at the Columbus (OH) Alumni Chapter and is a current member of the Spartanburg (SC) Alumni Chapter.
Professionally, Brown is Managing Partner of Rainey and Brown Attorneys at Law, a successful litigation firm located in
the Greenville/Spartanburg area. Michael served 12 years as the District One Representative on the Spartanburg County Council, is the only African American Vice-Chair in the council’s history, and was a long-serving member of the Economic Development Committee and has worked directly to create 20k jobs and delivering more than $8 billion of development.
Brother Brown has wide-reaching experience during his tenure in the Fraternity. He is a charter member of the Spartanburg (SC) Alumni Chapter, and has served as Strategus, Vice Polemarch, Member – Board of Directors, Community Liaison, Undergraduate Advisor, Social Committee Chair, Kappa League Chairman, and held membership on various committees.
A documented apiarist (beekeeper), Michael is certified in Sustainable Agriculture, is a Master Gardener, and earned a certificate in Permaculture Design. A native of Spartanburg, Brown received the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government from Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama, the Master of Arts in Public Administration and Public Policy Analysis from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, and the Juris Doctor degree from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. Brother Brown considers being a great father to his 20-year-old son, as one of his greatest accomplishments.
Brother Enyinda O. Boms – Undergraduate Board of Directors (GA): Brother Boms is a Spring 2019 initiate of the Georgia Institute of Technology Chapter, the Lambda Delta of Kappa Alpha Psi. He is a senior Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering major. He was elected at the 85th Grand Chapter Meeting as Grand Lt. Strategus. In addition, he will serve as National Undergraduate Vice Chairman of the Achievement Academy.
Brother Prince A. Hatcher – Strategus: Brother Hatcher is a Spring 2020 initiate of the Savannah State University Chapter, the Gamma Chi of Kappa Alpha Psi. He is a senior Electronic Engineering and Technology major.
Brother Gervaris T. Wearing – Lieutenant Strategus: Brother Wearing is a Spring 2020 initiate of the Claflin University Chapter, the Gamma Nu of Kappa Alpha Psi. He is a senior Middle-Level Education major with a concentration in English and Language Arts and History.
Brother Dr. C. Douglas Johnson – Reporter: Dr. Johnson is a Spring 1985 initiate of the Clemson University Chapter, the Kappa Lambda of Kappa Alpha Psi. He is a member of the Lawrenceville-Duluth (GA) Alumni Chapter. He is a Professor of Leadership and Management at Georgia Gwinnett College. Brother Dr. Johnson will serve as our Editor-In-Chief chronicling the activity of our province on a quarterly basis.