Brian C. Mock

27th Province Polemarch

Brian Mock was born and raised in Cuthbert, GA, and is currently a member of the Conyers – Covington (GA) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. He is an initiate of the Albany State University Chapter, the Delta Xi of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. As a student, Brian was active in many organizations. In 2002, Brian received his B.S. in Marketing and in 2005 his MPA in Human Resource Management. He also has a Certificate in Human Resource Management from Villanova University.


Professionally, Brian Mock has influenced the community as a college administrator, civic leader, and childcare provider. He currently serves as thedirector of human resources for the Department of Driver Services (DDS). In this role, he works closely with employees to increase morale and retention by developing incentive programs and planning conferences across Georgia. He also hosts leadership programs for frontline employees and mid-level managers.


Brian is a current member of Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity, Incorporated, and remains a contributor to the Albany State University Foundation.


Before moving to the Metro Atlanta Area, Brian was a member of the Albany (GA) Alumni Chapter. He served on various committees and chaired the Collegiate Advisory Committee. At the 78th Grand Chapter Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, Brian was awarded the fraternity’s National Advisor of the Year Award. During his time with the Albany Alumni Chapter, Brian began working on the Province Membership Orientation and Initiation Program Committee (now Membership Training Academy). In 2007, after moving to the Metro Atlanta Area, Brian joined the Stone Mountain–Lithonia (GA) Chapter, where he served as the Keeper of Records and served on various other chapter committees.


Brian Mock has held several Province offices such as Senior Province Vice Polemarch and Alumni Board of Directors (GA). Before serving on the Province Executive Board, he served on several committees, including the Membership Orientation and Initiation Program (now Membership Training Academy), the Investigations Task Force, the Province Photography team, the Chair of the Province Undergraduate Chapter Advisors Committee, and Chair of the Province Nominating Committee. Some of his most important work in the Province involved creating the Province’s Advisors’ Standard Operating Procedures, revising the Province Nominations Form, and authoring a Revitalization Plan for Undergraduate Chapters: A Guide for Reinstating Undergraduate Chapters and Maintaining Sustainability on College Campuses.


In December 2015, he was appointed as the Province Senior Vice Polemarch to fill the seat vacated by E. Delane Rosemond, Esq. who was appointed the 26th Province Polemarch by the Thomas L. Battles, the 33rd Grand Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.


Brian served as a delegate to the 78th Grand Chapter Meeting. He also served on the Constitutions and Statutes Committee at the 79th Grand Chapter Meeting. In 2007–2011 Brian served as a member of the Grand Chapter Committee for Chapter Advisors Training, co-authoring the updated Advisors’ Manual. In addition, he served as a delegate to the 80th Grand Chapter Meeting and served on the Grand Chapter Nominating Committee. Rounding out his national service, Brian served as the province representative to the 81st and the 83rd Grand Chapter meetings. Prior to being appointed the 27th Province Polemarch, Brother Mock served as Chaplain on the Council of Senior Province Vice Polemarchs. He now serves as the Chaplain on the Council of Province Polemarchs.


Family and Faith are essential to Brian. He serves on the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees at Greater Victory Christian Center in Riverdale, GA. In addition, as a licensed minister, he serves as Elder and Co-Servant Leader of the Ministerial Alliance. Mock serves as secretary on the Board for Second Wind Dreams and is Chaplain for the Marching Rams Show Band Alumni Association.


He is married to Tamyah, and they have three daughters.